As a breeder of the Royal Sacred Siamese Valda McDermott has built a reputation as one of the most respected in the business.

Renowned for her wonderful dedication and passion and love for these animals in both showing and breeding, Valda is held in high esteem throughout the New South Wales cat society as well as great endorsement and gratitude from the many owners and fellow breeders that have passed through the Jingili Cattery door.
Commencing in 1968 in Tasmania when presented with a gift of a female Siamese, Valda quickly fell in love with the breed. In 1970 Valda acquired a magnificent Siamese seal point male called Anckor Quedah from Sydney and thought she would try her hand at show. Anckor won best shorthair kitten in his class and was followed up by winning every show he was entered into throughout the State. Not only did he win everything as a kitten, he went on to win nearly every show as an adult, thus becoming Tasmania's best Siamese seal point adult for many years running.
Valda was hooked, and so the story began with the Valda McDermott Jingili line...
Over 40 years later and with a string of Champions and Grand Champions, leading male studs, magnificent Queens and a host of beautiful kittens, Valda has become the consummate professional in all facets of this feline industry in which she has so meticulously built up over the many years. She is most proud in her success of keeping the full seal point lines of her Siamese which carry back to those rare early British imports.
Valda's Champion male studs of the past are still a prominent feature in the pedigree of many of the Siamese cats of today.
After decades of breeding and showing, generously helping, giving advice, and encouraging new and fellow breeders,
Valda, one of the foremost breeders of today, and her Jingili lines continue to be a prominent force in the breeding world of the pure Siamese seal and Burmese, which she started 15 years ago.
As a member of the various cat committees over the many decades, Valda, today, reigns as Vice President of the NSW Siamese and Shorthaired Society and Vice President for The Siamese Cat Society of NSW. With her extensive knowledge and love for the Siamese, Valda is always thrilled and supportive to meet any cat enthusiast and is available to assist anyone who is interested in purchasing a kitten either as a pet or perhaps would like to register for breeding or showing.
Enquiries are always welcome...

Give us a call:

Valda in 1976

Manly Daily Newspaper 1985

Pretty Princess Blue Burmese

Siamese kitten 12 weeks